Thursday 21 April 2011

New Generations of Media Devices

This article by the Telegraph online goes somewhere to describe the future of the new, more powerful generation of portable media devices that will be shaped by processors. Mobile companies like Motorola are looking at making their devices more powerful, perhaps comparable to the slightly larger iPad
and with the processing power of a computer. On the other hand, software developer Microsoft wants to make a 'beautiful' design for the PC, which should in theory go hand in hand with mobile companies, such as Motorola. Microsoft has a long way to go, however. According to the Telegraph, the Gartner report found that Google's Android reached a 25.5% share in the market in 2010, putting it in second place behind Symbian; used by Nokia smartphones. Ultimately, though, with the increasing use of internet cloud storage software, peoples needs for a high-spec PC are loosening. Instead, the general direction for media devices seems, to me at least, to be going more towards smaller, nifty devices which communicate with others around the house. In short, a universal remote.

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