Tuesday 26 April 2011

Evaluation Question 5 Audience Feedback

5. How did you attract/address your audience

I addressed my target audience by asking a number of people in my target readership audience who belong to my presupposed BC1 demographic group and those who have interests in the right clothing companies and music. The biggest criticism was the front cover because it did not have enough article subheadings.

I found that both men and women alike unanimously agreed that the magazine and its design was heading the right way in trying to attract/ address my audience. On the whole, older generations liked my magazine and its purpose because of the nature of the target audience. Younger people found that they weren't so enticed because they weren't as interested in the 'lifestyle' brand of the magazine, which is what it intends to be. The idea of a lifestyle brand clearly appeals to older people who are working, so on the whole my target audience appeals to over 20's.

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