Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Art of Immersion by Frank Rose

'The Art of Immersion: How the Digital Generation is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue and the Way We Tell Stories: Entertainment in a Connected World'. The FeelGuide website neatly sums it up. The book is an
'exploration of how electronic media is shattering the conventions of storytelling that have remained untouched for thousands of years.'
It is literally about how storytelling is being changed at an incredible rate through the medium of new technology. E-readers like the Kindle and iPad have changed many people's book reading patterns. At the end of each book you can buy the next in the series, there are moving pictures, pictures that move according to your hand movements and crucially, there is no need to visit a bookshop. You quite simply just have to press 'buy'. I believe that currently, peoples concentration levels are lower on e-readers. This means more and more people may not read full books as much. Visual movements and sounds may increase and in turn, decrease the literacy levels of people.

My magazine is orientated around modern technology, and will rely on viral marketing on the web to gain new readers. This will be done using Facebook, Twitter and the like, which are free forms of social media but have a colossal user base (In 2011 - Facebook had 500 million users). I would assume the magazine would eventually create a magazine app for the iPad and other media devices to keep with the times. As well as this, songs and videos can be played directly on the magazine app which cannot be done on paper. This is how my magazine can connect with Frank Rose's 'Immersion', in that it will capture new ways for people to read stories - the difference being, my stories will be articles about new bands whilst streaming music and videos at the same time. Not forgetting, direct links to purchase a new album, EP, single or song. These are all forms of convergence, where multiple different media devices connect together in accordance with each other.

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