Thursday 14 April 2011

Critique: Contents

The idea behind my contents page spawned from the target audience. Middle class readers from the predominant age of 25 + will read the magazine, so I believe this photo suitably fits the lifestyle of the reader. I took the photo inside Bristol Hippodrome, and it came out very well which I was really pleased by. When the image is blown up, it looks fantastic and really looks good as a backdrop for my contents page. I struggled on how to write 'Contents', but in the end I settled on 'Bodoni StvyTwo ICT TT' font in size 64. I added drop shadow to make it look clearer. For the actual page contents I decided to write them symmetrically, which I thought justified the elegance of the picture. The font I used for the contents was 'Heiti SC', which is contemporary and fits in well with the theme of the magazine. The colour scheme may be highlighted here, with the golden, sepia look which symbolises wealth, and black which symbolises - in this case - mystery and elegance. I added 'Unsigned | Spring Edition' to the bottom of the magazine to make it look more professional, as if it were real. However, when printed this part was cut off, so I needed to move the page around.

Steve Priddell and Rowland Cowley said the following;
  1. Again, look at the page margins, move the whole image and writing up. Don't worry about losing some of the ceiling, it wont effect the dramatic atmosphere of the picture
  2. Make every line of contents belong to one page (the second one down had page 2-3), which ruins the symmetry and the order of the design

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