Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Evaluation Question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

These are the following programs I have used during the duration of my media coursework:
  • Pages (Apple)
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5
  • Adobe Ideas (App)
  • iPhoto
  • Blogger.com
  • Slideshare.net
  • Scribd.com
I already had iPhoto which comes as standard on a mac, which is good for storing images on, but I needed a more advanced program in order to edit my photos on, namely for my front cover. I purchased Photoshop CS5 in order to carry out these tasks. With this program I learnt new editing skills with the help of my granddad who is a professional photographer. The magazine was edited and designed using Pages, which is Apples word processing program. Luckily I have a Macbook Air which allowed me to carry on work outside of school. Also this meant that I developed my understanding of the program which helped me with my Extended Project Qualification. I used websites to make my blog more effective when considering it is a media blog. I found different forms of media to convey my work, with websites such as SlideShare.net and Scribd.com. These different ways of presenting my work have enriched me because I have consequently been able to use these for homework's for other subjects. I used Adobe Ideas to create my flat plans. Even though they were basic, I wanted to use a new form of media to present my work, a difference from just drawing them up on paper.

Overall, all of these new forms of media I have used since my preliminary task have ended in a strong project. The end result, the magazine, has largely been a success.

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