Thursday 14 April 2011

Final Photos

These are my final pictures which I am going to use in my magazine. I added sepia effect to the following two photos as it went along with the ongoing rustic theme which goes on throughout the magazine.

This is a photo of a chandelier inside Bristol Hippodrome. I really liked the high quality of the photo which looks excellent when it's blown up onto A4 size. The use of this photo represents the higher social class of the audience of my magazine, whereas it is also melodramatic, especially for a contents page.

For my final photo I decided to take a photo of my friend Andy and use the magic wand tool on photoshop to cut out the background, to which I applied his face to the double page spread. I liked the way the photo is evidently a pose, which without doubt suits the music style of magazine. Along with myself, the picture of Andy will be used to represent the band members of Submotion Orchestra and Cinematic Orchestra; Tommy Evans and Jason Swinscoe.

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