Monday 28 March 2011

Photo Shoot

This are my favourite photos which were taken for my magazine. I am not sure just yet where it will go, however through some experimenting on different ways to use it, I think it probably looks better as a font cover image. (Will make blog on mock up covers/ double page spreads). I am going to experiment with them and try to develop them, using photoshop, to make them look more exciting for my magazine. I might cut out the outline of the picture of myself and use it as a standalone figure on my DPS.

I decided to make the photo black and white, and add an edge blur to give the image a more rustic. Next, I increased the highlights, as well as increase the sharpness and the noise which made it look sharper and more defined.

This is the photo where I got the idea from. This was taken from ALMANAC and I think it represents someone of the average age of my target audience - about 22-24 years old.

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