Monday 28 March 2011

Magazine Title Name, Fonts and Design

Title Name Ideas.
I like the idea of 'unsigned' but this wouldn't be so original as there is already a very similar magazine title. I had a think and thought that translating the word 'unsigned' into French could give the magazine a slight twist. The nearest translation to unsigned is non signé. Magazine titles normally have just the one word rather than two, but I will try mock up covers to see whether this convention can be broken.

Update: I prefer the name Unsigned

Fonts and Design.
Here is a list of the fonts I particularly like:
-Georgia (This font)
-Gurmukhi MT
-New Peninim MT

These fonts all fit the style of the Aubin & Wills style catalogue I like; making it easier to design a similar layout, paying homage to the original.

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